is a website made available by Codeyug Web Services Pvt. Ltd. All services and facilities provided through it are provided subject to the following terms and conditions. Terms of Service govern your use of the website (“Terms of Service”). We limit our liability to you in our Disclaimer at paragraph 1.5 and elsewhere below.
1. Preliminary
Codeyug Web Services Pvt. Ltd. B-10, Sushant Lok Phase 1, Gurgaon, Haryana-122001, India. “we,” “us,” or “our,” refers to Codeyug Web Services Pvt. Ltd., the operators of the Website.
“Member” refers to an individual authorised to use the Website and/or the Service by a School, whether a member of staff of a School, a Parent, or a Student.
“Membership” means an individual’s licence to access our service and associated login information (such as a login email and password), as authorised.
“Parent” means a parent or legal guardian of a student as the case may be. “Parental” shall be interpreted accordingly.
“Service” refers to the services provided through our Website.
“School” refers to a school or institution, which are primary account subscribers to the Service.
“Student” means a student invited to use the Service by a School.
“Website” means our website at
These Terms of Service should be read as a whole with the other documents published on the page, and provide the exclusive terms of the relationship between AssessPrep and (1) Schools, (2) Members, (3) Students other users of the Website, and (4) other users. Nothing outside the terms published in our Terms and Policies shall constitute part of any agreement between AssessPrep and you relating to your use of the Service. Any previous agreement is superseded by these terms.
We reserve the right to update and change our Terms of Service on 14 days’ notice. Any new features that augment, enhance, or change the current Service, including the release of new tools and resources, shall be subject to our Terms of Service. Continued use of the Service after any such changes shall constitute consent to such changes. Our current version of the Terms of Service is available at the Terms and Policies page of our respective Websites.
Violation of any of any of these terms by you may result in the termination of (1) your account and/or denial of your ability to access the Websites without notice, and/or (2) the account of the School on 14 days’ notice in writing. AssessPrep reserves the right to bar use of the Service by any person or entity that has violated the Terms of Service at any time
To the full extent permitted by law, you agree to use the Service on an “as is” basis and understand that AssessPrep is not responsible for prohibiting or regulating in any way any information or data provided or transmitted by the Website (“Content“), or provided or transmitted by you or any other person. You confirm and agree that AssessPrep shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses. This is regardless of whether AssessPrep has been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether or not resulting from: (i) the use or the inability to use the Service; (ii) the unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data; (iii) statements or conduct of any third party on the Service; (iv) termination of your account; and/or (v) any other matter relating to the Service.
AssessPrep does not warrant that the Service will meet your specific requirements or that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free. We shall not be liable for and make no warranties in relation to the Website or its functionality, Content or capabilities of the Website, to the fullest extent that such liabilities can be excluded by law.
We provide all information on our Website free of any access charge other than our charges to Schools. The information provided on our Website is provided on the basis that we accept no liability for any of the information published.
1. Ensure that information contained in anything sent to AssessPrep is accurate and does not breach any third parties’ rights including trade mark, database right, copyright or other intellectual property rights nor is libelous, obscene, menacing, threatening, bullying, offensive, abusive, fraudulent, pornographic, criminal nor infringes the rights of other people such as privacy rights or is in any way illegal or unlawful;
2. Verify the accuracy of any information before sending it to us; and
3. Ensure that information provided on the Website complies with all applicable laws and, by posting information, agrees to indemnify us in full on request and continue to indemnify us on request against any claim or liability arising in connection therewith.
AssessPrep reserves the right to reject any information published to the Website without notice.
Any views expressed in messaging facilities after you login are not those of AssessPrep.
Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for fraud, personal injury or death caused by our negligence, or for any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under Indian law. Other than the foregoing all warranties, guarantees or benefits implied or provided by law are excluded to the fullest extent possible.
If any agreements or arrangements are made by you with any third party as a result of your use of the Website, they are and remain entirely at your own risk.
You will ensure at all times that (1) you do not share your designated password with any other person, (2) you maintain active and effective security measures to the protect the integrity and security of your and our computers systems. You will be responsible for loss and damage suffered by us where any third party abuses the services using your login details and/or computing environment, including hardware and software.
Our Websites describes the Services which are available. For more information please refer to the Website for details of the services available.
2. Services
Our Websites describes the Services which are available. For more information please refer to the Website for details of the services available.
Generally speaking, our services revolve around providing Members with the ability to create, deliver and grade assessments.
Administrators, IB Coordinators and Teachers employed by Schools determine the scope and nature of the information to make available to Students and Parents.
3. Account Terms
Before a Student of 13 years of age or less may use the Service or a School facilitates access to a Student (separately to a Parent), the School is responsible at all times for obtaining Parental Consent, and is wholly responsible for verifying that a parent or legal guardian is properly identified, that the Parent has properly authorised a Student’s access, and has in fact signed the Parental Consent, before signing up or causing to sign up any Student for an account.
The School must provide a copy of the signed Parental Consent to AssessPrep within 7 days of a request made in writing.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, and in addition to any other indemnification mentioned in these Terms of Service, the School agrees to fully indemnify AssessPrep on request and keep AssessPrep indemnified on request with regard to any claim, if the suit involves claims arising directly or indirectly from failures to comply with this paragraph. The fact that a cause other than a failure to comply with the foregoing paragraph may have contributed to the harm alleged in such suit or proceeding will not in any way diminish the scope or force of this indemnification, even if such other cause is AssessPrep’s own failure or negligence.
4. Payment Terms
The Service is provided on an annual basis. Schools are invoiced in advance on an annual basis for use of the Service, and Schools shall make payment to AssessPrep net 30 days from the invoice date. The payments are in consideration of the creation, deletion, modification and maintenance of Members, and the license to use the Service.
AssessPrep will not pay any refund or credit if the School terminates or suspends use of the Service before the end of any prepaid period. Each payment is non-refundable.
Return is not applicable for our service.
Accounts are automatically renewed for the following year on each anniversary of this Agreement (which is listed on our invoice). Notice of termination must be received in writing one month in advance of the end of the then current term in order to terminate at the end of the current term.
Schools are solely responsible for any and all duties, taxes, levies or fees (including any sales, use or withholding taxes) imposed on or in connection with payment for Services provided by AssessPrep.
Without prejudice to any other rights or remedy that it may have, if the School fails to pay AssessPrep on the due date for payment of any undisputed invoice, AssessPrep may:
1. spend all Services until payment has been made in full; and/or
2. charge interest on any delinquent amounts owed by Schools to AssessPrepfrom the due date at a rate equal to the lesser of i) two (2%) per month or ii) the maximum legal interest rate chargeable per month until payment is made, whether before or after any judgment
5. Cancellation and Termination
It is your sole responsibility to notify us that you wish to cancel your account. This can be done by e-mailing us at with the subject line “Cancellation Request”. We will require written and telephone confirmation of a cancellation request from a School as this will affect the accounts of all Members associated with a School.
All Content associated with the School and its Students will be unavailable to Members from the time we are instructed to process the cancellation request. As a convenience, we can continue to make the Content available for a period after cancellation of up to 3 months. All Content associated with Members, including (and not limited to) all Content related to the School, data related to Students, contact information, database records will be irrecoverably deleted within 180 days of notification of termination of the Service by the School.
Where the School cancels the Service before the end of the then current term and full payment has been received, the cancellation will take effect immediately and the School will not incur any further charge.
We may terminate the Service to a School upon 180 days’ notice in writing for our own convenience.
Schools are responsible for the use of the Service by Students and Parents. Misuse of our the Service, by any individual, may result in permanent and/or temporary suspension or termination of the School’s account (at AssessPrep’s sole discretion) without notice if not problems are not addressed to the satisfaction of AssessPrep.
AssessPrep reserves the right to refuse the Service to anyone in its own unfettered discretion.
6. Modifications to the Service and Prices
Prices of all plans, including but not limited to annual subscription fees to the Service, are subject to change without notice.
AssessPrep shall not be liable to you or to any third party as a result of any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Service, loss of data, or any consequence thereof whatsoever.
7. Copyright and Content Ownership
Unless otherwise stated below, AssessPrep owns all intellectual property rights vesting in the Website.
AssessPrep claims no intellectual property rights to Content published and/or loaded to the Service by Members or Schools. You irrevocably grant us a perpetual licence to publish Content on the Websites for the duration of our Agreement with your School.
Accounts are automatically renewed for the following year on each anniversary of this Agreement (which is listed on our invoice). Notice of termination must be received in writing one month in advance of the end of the then current term in order to terminate at the end of the current term.
You may not modify, adapt or hack the Service or modify the Websites so as to falsely imply that it is associated with the Service, or any other service of AssessPrep.
Any hypertext links to other sites, which appear on the Website are operated by third parties and use of such a link means you are leaving the Website. We are not responsible for, and give no warranties, guarantees or representations in respect of linked sites or information upon them.
“AssessPrep”, and our logo may not be used without written consent.
8. Indemnification
To the maximum extent permitted by law, the School and Members jointly and severally agree to hold harmless and indemnify AssessPrep, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from and against any third party claims arising from or in any way related to use of the Service or Website, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys’ fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, AssessPrep will provide the School and Members with written notice of such claim, suit or action.
9. General Conditions
You may not assign or transfer your rights or licences granted under this Agreement.
In the event that any (or any part) of these terms, conditions or provisions shall be declared invalid, unlawful or unenforceable such terms (or parts), conditions or provisions shall be severed. The remaining terms (or parts), conditions or provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including Content, may occur in an unencrypted form if SSL is not enabled on your computer, and result in transmissions over the Internet, which may be intercepted by others. Loss of SSL may also result from changes in transmissions between networks to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Please look for the SSL notification in the address bar of your browser to ensure that SSL is active during your session.
If the bandwidth associated with a School exceeds 200 GB in a single month, or significantly exceeds the expected bandwidth allocation for the number of Members associated with the School (as notified by AssessPrep from time to time), we reserve the right to (1) cap file or image hosting until the School reduces its bandwidth consumption, and/or (2) raise further invoices for your additional bandwidth requirements.
10. Questions & Contact Information
Codeyug Web Services Pvt. Ltd.
Address: B-10, Sushant Lok Phase 1, Gurgaon, Haryana-122001, India
Phone: +91 9711012690