Trusted by 600+ Schools Worldwide

3 Million
3 Million
assessments delivered securely
assessments delivered securely
platform uptime, ensuring uninterrupted testing even during peak periods
platform uptime, ensuring uninterrupted testing even during peak periods
of students feel better prepared for final exams, thanks to AssessPrep’s built-in tools and accessibility features
of students feel better prepared for final exams, thanks to AssessPrep’s built-in tools and accessibility features
Choose the delivery mode that fits your needs
From lockdown exams to online assignments and even traditional paper tests, get the flexibility you need with the security you trust.
Browser With Security
Browser With Security
Browser With Security
Formatives & assignments
Formatives & assignments
Perfect for everyday assignments, quizzes, and research tasks. Run them on any device or browser—no setup required. Enable real-time focus monitoring to ensure academic integrity, even for informal assessments.
Perfect for everyday assignments, quizzes, and research tasks. Run them on any device or browser—no setup required. Enable real-time focus monitoring to ensure academic integrity, even for informal assessments.
Lockdown Mode
Lockdown Mode
Lockdown Mode
High-stakes mock exams
High-stakes mock exams
Completely locks down any device - Windows, Mac, iPads, Chromebooks - to prevent cheating and ensure a distraction-free testing environment. Battle-tested with over 3 million secure submissions.
Completely locks down any device - Windows, Mac, iPads, Chromebooks - to prevent cheating and ensure a distraction-free testing environment. Battle-tested with over 3 million secure submissions.
Paper Mode
Paper Mode
Paper Mode
Paper based powered by AI
Paper based powered by AI
Conduct paper based assessments while automating everything from test creation to grading and analysis.
Conduct paper based assessments while automating everything from test creation to grading and analysis.
Advanced test-taking experience
Empower students with an intuitive, accessible and feature-rich environment designed to promote focus, reduce test anxiety, and support all learners.
Advanced tools
Accessibility features
Offline functionality
Next-gen tools for student’s success
Equip students with advanced tools like a math editor, on-screen calculator, word counter, timer, and multi-lingual support
Advanced tools
Accessibility features
Offline functionality
Next-gen tools for student’s success
Equip students with advanced tools like a math editor, on-screen calculator, word counter, timer, and multi-lingual support
Advanced tools
Accessibility features
Offline functionality
Next-gen tools for student’s success
Equip students with advanced tools like a math editor, on-screen calculator, word counter, timer, and multi-lingual support
Powerful settings for complete control
Schedule & Automate
Set exams to open and close automatically, ensuring students access them exactly when planned—no last-minute hassle.
Schedule & Automate
Set exams to open and close automatically, ensuring students access them exactly when planned—no last-minute hassle.
Schedule & Automate
Set exams to open and close automatically, ensuring students access them exactly when planned—no last-minute hassle.
Differentiated Delivery
Assign assessments to specific students, classes, or groups, catering to diverse learning needs
Differentiated Delivery
Assign assessments to specific students, classes, or groups, catering to diverse learning needs
Differentiated Delivery
Assign assessments to specific students, classes, or groups, catering to diverse learning needs
Guest Access
Allow students without accounts to take assessments securely, ideal for admissions testing
Guest Access
Allow students without accounts to take assessments securely, ideal for admissions testing
Guest Access
Allow students without accounts to take assessments securely, ideal for admissions testing
Rated 4.9 of 5
Rated 4.9 of 5
Rated 4.9 of 5
Trusted by educators worldwide
Hear from passionate educators who are shaping the future of assessments
Hear from passionate educators who are shaping the future of assessments
Simplify your assessments today
Discover how AssessPrep makes it easy to create, deliver and grade assessments
Simplify your assessments today
Discover how AssessPrep makes it easy to create, deliver and grade assessments
Simplify your assessments today
Discover how AssessPrep makes it easy to create, deliver and grade assessments